pygame Images and Sound

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  • To set up an image, we need to load it in a variable and then blit it to the screen.
# Image should be loaded once before the main loop
bg_image = pygame.image.load("saturn_family1.jpg").convert()

# Blit within main loop. 0,0 specifies where to start image on screen.
screen.blit(background_image, [0, 0])
  • You can control the image if you take the coordinates from the user.
# Get the current mouse position. This returns the position
# as a list of two numbers.
player_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
x = player_position[0]
y = player_position[1]

# Copy image to screen:
screen.blit(player_image, [x, y])
  • Use the convert() function while loading or convert_alpha() if there is some transparency in the image.
  • If you want to make a color transparent, see this as as example: player_image.set_colorkey(BLACK)


The following command loads a sound file and creates a variable named click_sound to reference it:

click_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("laser5.ogg")

#We can play the sound by using the following command:

# If user clicks then play
for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        done = True
    elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
